Friday, June 28, 2013

This Is New

"The scroll is made of soft sheep leather, measures 39 yards by 25 inches, and is about 800 years old — which makes it the oldest complete Torah in the world...."

News. Item:
The oldest
Scroll ever

Found complete,
At least since
We've kept score,

Under heaps
Of mistakes,

Within the files
Of mislabeled
Purities piled
In libraries

Ancient and rare,
Like that of the
Learned scholars
Of Bologna,

Has been dated
With precision,
To the decades
Before the height

Of gothic love
For misery,
For suffering,
Twelfth century,

Whatever that means
To the Christians and
Jews. I'm here to write
That meaning is not

Everything. God,
It's not anything.
It's what the readers
Of poetry, God
Bless them forever,

Say it means to them.
I only count breaths
Necessary to
Of truths others wrote.

It's June. Vancouver,
Dourest city, shines
In the borrowed light
Of midsummer nights'
Dreaming. I'm so done

I'm barbecued. I'm
The last professor
In the business men's
Cafe.  Here we go,
Into the woods, now
And forever--gone.