Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Disingenuous Baobab

"know if ever beau joueur—or rather, I suppose, belle joueuse—was born, it is that small slight child at my side"

In the game that has the fetching
Name, belle joueuse, my daughter plays
The serenely happy gambler
Contented to play lose or win
All day if she has to. She's good.
She's not afraid.  Of noises, yes,
But not of this. Not of mistakes,
Not yet. Point out where she was
Wrong too often, and she'll play
Another game. Serves you right,
Old brain. You play to avoid pain
And can't bear to watch her bet
On each new long-shot discovery.
You, me, think we know why she
Lost that round. She smiles wickedly,
So great the gain of finding something
Out for herself, for her, so small the cost.