Saturday, January 14, 2012

Undocumented, Unconfirmed, and Unrecognized

Demon angels of light beat time
Around the steam-train's carriages
Carrying tourists up canyons,
Day-tripping to nowhere and back.

There's the rainbow in the ice mist
Over the midwinter river.
There's the boy's face framed by yellow,
Peering from the next car's window.

There's the cinder-heavy billow
Of the vintage steam engine's blow
Curling in grey-white wings worthy
Of Renaissance realism.

Everybody's been recorded--
Emails, phone-numbers, credit cards
Addresses, tickets collected--
No one will go missing today,

Nothing will go unphotographed
And very little unremarked,
Except those sneaky characters,
Long angels of light, loss, truth, now.